– Under such a motto Tashkent hosted 4th annual National forum of NGOs of Uzbekistan.

The National Association of NGOs of Uzbekistan organized the event in close collaboration with Independent Institute for Monitoring the Formation of Civil Society, Women's Committee of Uzbekistan, Ecological Movement, Public Fund for Support of NGOs and other civil society institutions under Oliy Majlis of the Republic of Uzbekistan and other partners.

National NGO Forum was preceded by regional stages, during which the issues of increasing the role of NGOs in democratic renewal and modernization of country, development of social partnership in solving the most important tasks of social protection of citizens, protection of their health, environment, ensuring employment and other areas have been discussed. These stages were attended by more than 2.5 thousand NGOs and government representatives. As a result of regional forums, NGOs concluded more than 600 memoranda and agreements on social partnership with government agencies to implement projects in the areas of education of young people, raising the legal culture of population, ensuring full participation of women in society, rational use of natural resources, development of volunteer and charitable activities of citizens in decision of social and humanitarian issues in the field. Today the parties have already started to implement these agreements.

The capital gathered NGOs activists from all regions of the country in order to discuss current issues, share experiences, identify areas of cooperation with state authorities in solving urgent problems of the socio-economic development.

4th Program of National Forum of NGOs was very intense. Hot topics were discussed in the format of round tables and in an informal setting. It was noted that over the years, non-profit organizations have become an important factor of protection of democratic values, human rights, freedoms and legitimate interests of citizens. They create the conditions for realization of their potential, contribute to social, socio-economic activity and legal culture of population. More than 8300 various NGOs of republic not only boldly embody ideas and concepts in a variety of ways, but also participate in adoption of socially important decisions by government bodies, process of development and implementation of legislation, government programs and programs of development of country and society. A strong legal framework, as well as laws "On social partnership", "On the openness of public authorities and management", "On environmental control" adopted on the basis of the Concept of further deepening democratic reforms and formation of civil society in the country, became an important foundation for this work. Institute of social control has been enshrined in the Constitution.

On the first day of the forum, participants discussed the formation of an effective system of social partnership between state agencies and NGOs, implementation of public control. Representatives of public organizations and government agencies have determined points of interaction, ways to further strengthen the partnership especially in the areas which directly affect the rights and legitimate interests of citizens. They jointly have identified promising areas and forms of social partnership.

– More than once we have been the winners of the grant competitions of the Public Fund for Support of NGOs and other civil society institutions under the Oliy Majlis of the Republic of Uzbekistan, - head of the center "Mashkhur" of Uzbekistan district of Fergana region Aziza Yuldasheva says. - Due to this we have implemented a number of projects on the all-round support of women and youth. This year, 120 women trained in the free courses in sewing, baking, hairdressing. We cooperate with the local authorities, bodies of self-government, Women's Committee. Consequently, dozens of residents of our district are engaged in home-based work. We enthusiastically welcomed the proposal of the head of state to declare coming year as the Year of Healthy Mother and Child. We intend to take an active part in the development of an appropriate program and its execution.

In the framework of the round table forum participants developed measures on interaction of entrepreneurs and NGOs in the implementation of socially significant projects, increasing social responsibility of business.

- Our organization fully supports budding entrepreneurs in establishment of enterprises and development of the family business, - head of the center of the legal, economic and social assistance "Istiqlol avlod" of Jizzakh region Nazif Kamalov said. – We render informational, legal assistance to rural women. We conduct courses, seminars on training of housewives for demanded careers. Specialists of tax services and banks inform them about benefits and preferences for entrepreneurs operating in the country. The Forum has become a kind of platform for exchange of views, positive experience. It gave an opportunity to discuss ways to further improve cooperation with government agencies. In particular, we have established new contacts with them, have got the information at first hand. We made practical proposals to increase the activity of NGOs.

It should be noted that business entities got acquainted with innovative projects of NGOs in the framework of the fair "Social entrepreneurship - a requirement of time". The best projects will be implemented on the basis of social partnership.

Enhancement of role and place of NGOs in increasing the involvement of youth in building civil society, implementation of democratic reforms became separate topic of discussion. It was emphasized that it is necessary to rely on young people, which is today characterized by high legal culture, active citizenship, desire to participate in managing the affairs of society and state.

Republic’s NGOs presented whole palette of experiences to enhance the youth in the field. Currently, students of educational institutions conduct extensive peer enlightening work on the principle of "equal - to equal".

Particular attention is paid to development of social partnership in the sphere of protection of the rights of women, ensuring their full participation in socio-political, socio-economic and cultural life of country. It was noted that the role of NGOs is increasing in development and implementation of programs in the field of environmental protection and rational use of natural resources, improving environmental performance. As practice shows, environment is just that area, where possibilities of social partnership used mostly efficient.

Following the debate, participants adopted final documents in the form of projects - plans of specific activities. They summarized proposals, which were received from regional organizations, and worked out of integrated recommendations for their consideration and possible inclusion in the State program in 2016.

The forum has become a platform for effective dialogue of NGOs and representatives of the state bodies. The sides have signed memoranda and agreements, have jointly developed proposals on further improvement of law enforcement practice, legal basis of the development of civil society institutions.

In the final part of the event, 62 winners of the fifth and sixth grant competitions have been announced and awarded by the Public Fund for Support of NGOs and other civil society institutions under Oliy Majlis of the Republic of Uzbekistan.

The forum marked the best journalists and editorial staff, which covered the activities of NGOs in the field of social, material and moral support to the elderly and people with disabilities.


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