The question on creation of social enterprises for employment of disabled persons is worked up
Issues of employment of disabled people have been discussed at the meeting of representatives of the Ministry of Labor and the Advisory Council of public organizations of people with disabilities.
The international conference in Tashkent
The Independent Institute for Monitoring the Formation of Civil Society (IIMFCS) in collaboration with its partners is planning to conduct on May 24, 2016 in Tashkent city the international conference on the theme: “Development of social partnership between NGOs and government authorities: experience of Uzbekistan and international practice”.
The international conference in Tashkent
The Independent Institute for Monitoring the Formation of Civil Society (IIMFCS) in collaboration with its partners is planning to conduct on May 24, 2016 in Tashkent city the international conference on the theme: “Development of social partnership between NGOs and government authorities: experience of Uzbekistan and international practice”.
Uzbekistan's experience and international best practices in the sphere of civil society development discussed in Tashkent city
On July 29-30, 2015, Tashkent hosted an international roundtable discussion entitled “Bolstering the role and importance of civil society institutions in democratic renewal and modernization of the country: the experience of Uzbekistan and international practice”. The event was organized by the National Association of Nongovernmental and Nonprofit Organizations (NNOs) of Uzbekistan, the Independent Institute for Monitoring the Formation of Civil Society and the Public Fund under the Oliy Majlis of the Republic of Uzbekistan, as well as foreign partners – the Friedrich Ebert Foundation and the Office of OSCE Project Coordinator in Uzbekistan.